HTML5 Clear V2

screenshot of HTML5 Clear V2

HTML5 Clear V2

HTML5 Clear version 2


The HTML5 Clear project is a personal project that aims to test the developer's ability to build intricate interfaces with HTML5. The project is a recreation of the original iOS app designed by Realmac Software in collaboration with Helftone and Impending, Inc. HTML5 Clear allows users to work offline by adding it to their iOS homescreen, utilizing local storage, and even being loaded as a Chrome packaged app.


  • Works Offline: HTML5 Clear can be added to the iOS homescreen for offline access.
  • Local Storage: Utilizes local storage for data management.
  • Chrome Packaged App: Can be loaded as a Chrome packaged app for a different experience.
  • Developer Mode: Offers a developer mode for Chrome to enable experimental features.


HTML5 Clear is a personal project showcasing intricate interfaces built with HTML5, inspired by the original iOS app. It offers offline functionality by being added to the iOS homescreen and utilizes local storage for data management. Additionally, users can experience HTML5 Clear as a Chrome packaged app, providing a unique way to interact with the project.