
screenshot of Jekyllcn


Jekyll 的中文翻译网站


JekyllCN is a Chinese translation website for Jekyll, a popular static site generator. The website aims to provide the Chinese-speaking community with up-to-date Jekyll documentation that is translated from the official documentation. The project welcomes contributions from users who can help with translating and updating the Chinese documentation. The website also provides information on how to contribute, how to preview changes locally, and how to sync with the latest progress of the Jekyllrb project. Additionally, Travis CI is used for automatic deployment of updates to


  • Chinese translation: Provides Chinese translations of the official Jekyll documentation.
  • Contribution: Allows users to contribute by translating outdated or missing documents.
  • Local preview: Provides guidance on how to preview changes locally before submitting them.
  • CSS customization: Allows users to modify the CSS styles by editing the _jekyllcn.scss file.
  • Travis CI integration: Uses Travis CI for automatic deployment of updates to the website.