WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered

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WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered

Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate but Powered with examples and a generator!


WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is a foundation for building WordPress plugins following the PSR-4 standard. It provides a code generator, support for Sass and WebPack, PSR-4 support through Composer, and integration with tools like GrumpPHP and PHPStan. The boilerplate also includes several libraries with starter code to help developers get started quickly.


  • Code Generator to start development
  • Sass support and WebPack (optional)
  • PSR-4 support by Composer, extended to load classes based on request type and folder structure
  • Tools integrated like GrumpPHP and PHPStan
  • GitHub Action and GitLab CI available
  • Many libraries already available with starter code