Astro Cube

screenshot of Astro Cube

Astro Cube

A minimal Astro starter template with CUBE CSS 🧑‍🚀 🧊


ASTRO-CUBE is a small and flexible Astro starter for various purposes such as blogs, documentation, personal/marketing websites, and more. It follows the CUBE CSS file structure, which is designed for efficient stylesheet management regardless of project size. While the project is minimalistic, it provides an easy starting point and includes stylesheets that can be copied and pasted from. Most styles are for demonstration purposes and to showcase the philosophy of "being the browser's mentor, not its micromanager." ASTRO-CUBE features fluid and responsive design, Every Layout examples, Utopia for fluid clamp()-based font sizes and spacing, lightweight performance with high lighthouse scores, dark-mode readiness, and basic SEO meta-tags.


  • CUBE CSS implementation: Follow the concise documentation for a better understanding.
  • Fluid and Responsive: The design looks great on all device sizes.
  • Every Layout examples: Includes layout elements for various purposes.
  • Utopia for fluid clamp()-based font sizes and spacing: Provides a customizable typography solution.
  • Lightweight: Achieves high lighthouse scores due to its small size.
  • Dark-mode ready: Allows implementation of a theme switcher.
  • SEO ready: Basic SEO meta-tags are pre-configured, with sitemaps generated at build time.

Astro is the all-in-one web framework designed for speed. Pull your content from anywhere and deploy everywhere, all powered by your favorite UI components and libraries.