Nuxt Ssr Firebase

screenshot of Nuxt Ssr Firebase

A example repo for using nuxt with firebase hosting and cloud functions


The nuxt-ssr-firebaseCircleCIA example repo is designed to help users easily integrate Nuxt.js with Firebase hosting and cloud functions. It is based on the popular GitHub repository "davideast/nuxt-firebase" and provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and deploy the project.


  • Nuxt.js Integration: The example repo demonstrates how to integrate Nuxt.js, a powerful Vue.js framework, with Firebase hosting and cloud functions.
  • Firebase Hosting: Users can leverage Firebase hosting to deploy their Nuxt.js application and make it accessible to users from various devices and locations.
  • Cloud Functions: The repo also showcases how to use Firebase cloud functions to enhance the functionality of the Nuxt.js application.

nuxt.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.


Vue.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.


Firebase offers a comprehensive set of features, including real-time database, authentication, hosting, cloud functions, storage, and more. Firebase provides an easy-to-use interface and allows developers to focus on building features rather than managing infrastructure.