Lite Virtual List

screenshot of Lite Virtual List

Lite Virtual List

Virtual list component library supporting waterfall flow based on vue


The lite-virtual-list is a virtual list component library based on Vue that supports waterfall flow. It provides various features such as fixed or variable item heights, two-column waterfall layout, multi-screen configuration, status selection, dynamic appending and deletion of data. This library is useful for rendering large lists efficiently, improving performance and reducing memory usage.


  • Support for fixed height: Allows setting a fixed height for each item in the list.
  • Support for variable height: Supports waterfall layout based on the content of each item.
  • Support for two-column waterfall flow layout: Provides a layout option for displaying items in a two-column waterfall style.
  • Support for DOM multi-screen configuration: Allows configuring the number of screens rendered before and after the viewable area.
  • Support for status selection: Allows selecting and managing the state of items in the virtual list.
  • Support for data dynamic appending: Allows adding new data dynamically to the virtual list.
  • Support for dynamic deletion of data: Allows dynamically removing items from the virtual list.

Vue.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.


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