Ui Tool

screenshot of Ui Tool

Ui Tool

UI for create-web-ext


Webext.eu is a scaffolding UI tool that simplifies the process of creating browser extensions. By allowing users to input parameters and select options, this tool generates a complete boilerplate browser extension project. The generated folder contains all the necessary files and folders to quickly get started with extension development.


  • Simplifies Extension Creation: Webext.eu removes the repetitive task of creating files and folders for every new extension by automating the process.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The tool provides a user-friendly interface where users can easily input parameters and select options for their extension project.
  • Folder Structure Generation: Webext.eu generates a predefined folder structure for the extension project, ensuring that all necessary files and directories are included.


Webext.eu is a convenient tool for developers who create browser extensions. With its simple user interface and automated folder structure generation, it saves time and effort in setting up a new extension project. By eliminating the need for manual file and folder creation, Webext.eu boosts productivity and enables developers to focus more on the actual development of their browser extensions.


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