Chameleon Bootstrap Html Admin Template Free

screenshot of Chameleon Bootstrap Html Admin Template Free

Chameleon Bootstrap Html Admin Template Free

Chameleon Admin Lite is a Free Modern Bootstrap 4 WebApp & Admin Dashboard Html Template elegant design, clean and organised code.


Chameleon Admin Lite is a free modern Bootstrap 4 WebApp & Admin Dashboard HTML template with an elegant design and clean code. It is one of the best Bootstrap Admin Templates available, suitable for various web applications such as project management, eCommerce backends, analytics, CRM, fitness, or any custom admin panels. The template is powered by HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, SASS, and Gulp, and has a responsive design that looks great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. It also comes with a starter kit to help developers get started quickly.


  • Modern and elegant design
  • Clean and organized code
  • Suitable for various web applications
  • Unique design dashboards
  • Powered by HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, SASS, and Gulp
  • Responsive design for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices
  • Starter kit included for quick development

Grunt is a popular JavaScript task runner that automates repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, and testing, allowing developers to focus on writing code.


Gulp.js is an old but popular site building tool that automates various repetitive development tasks in web development, such as compiling Sass, minifying JavaScript, and optimizing images.


Pug is a high-performance template engine for Node.js and browsers that enables developers to write HTML templates using a concise and intuitive syntax. It supports a range of features, including template inheritance, conditionals, loops, mixins, and more, and can be easily integrated into a variety of web frameworks and build tools.