Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite
Flowbite Admin Dashboard is a free and open-source UI admin dashboard template. It is built with the components from Flowbite and is based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework. This dashboard template offers a variety of features including charts, tables, widgets, CRUD layouts, modals, drawers, and more. It is designed to help developers quickly build applications using the latest UI/UX development technologies in the open-source area.
Hugo is an open-source static site generator that features fast build times, flexible themes, support for multiple content formats, multilingual websites, live reloading, and an active community. It allows developers to easily create and deploy SEO-friendly and mobile-responsive websites.
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes for building responsive and customizable user interfaces.
Build websites even faster with components on top of Tailwind CSS. Start developing with an open-source library of over 600+ UI components, sections, and pages built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS and designed in Figma.
A dashboard style website template is a pre-designed layout that features a user interface resembling a control panel or dashboard. It typically includes charts, graphs, tables, and other data visualization tools that allow users to monitor and analyze data in real-time.
PostCSS is a popular open-source tool that enables web developers to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. It allows for efficient processing of CSS styles, from applying vendor prefixes to improving browser compatibility, ultimately resulting in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.
Webpack is a popular open-source module bundler for JavaScript applications that bundles and optimizes the code and its dependencies for production-ready deployment. It can also be used to transform other types of assets such as CSS, images, and fonts.