Svelte Materialify

screenshot of Svelte Materialify

Svelte Materialify

A Material UI Design Component library for Svelte heavily inspired by vuetify.


The author of this content is discussing their open-source project called Svelte Materialify. They mention that their exams are over and they will be starting college soon, so they are unsure about how much time they will have to continue working on the project. They express gratitude for the interest in the project and acknowledge that they have learned a lot from maintaining it. The author states that they will be archiving the project due to fatigue and provide links to alternative options.


  • In-development Website: The project has a website located at which is still in development.
  • Multiple Framework Support: Svelte Materialify can be installed for various frameworks including Svelte, Sapper, and Routify.
  • Community Support: For help and support questions, users can join the project's community discord. Issues should only be used for reporting bugs and suggesting features/enhancements.
  • Contributing: The project welcomes contributions and provides a Code of Conduct and Contribution Guide for interested contributors.
  • Changelog: The project's changelog provides detailed changes for each release.
  • Logo Acknowledgment: The author thanks Shriji for the logos used in the project.


The author discusses their open-source project, Svelte Materialify, and mentions that they may not have enough time to continue working on it due to upcoming college commitments. They express appreciation for the interest in the project and provide links to alternative options. Key features of Svelte Materialify include framework support, community support, and a changelog. The installation process for different frameworks is provided.


Svelte is a modern front-end framework that compiles your code at build time, resulting in smaller and faster applications. It uses a reactive approach to update the DOM, allowing for high performance and a smoother user experience.

UI Kits & Components

A UI kit provides developers with a set of reusable components that can be easily integrated into a website or application. These components are pre-designed with consistent styling and functionality, allowing developers to save time and effort in the design and development process. UI kits can be either custom-built or third-party, and often include components for buttons, forms, typography, icons, and more.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.

Material Design

Material Design is a design system developed by Google that provides a set of guidelines, components, and tools for creating visually appealing and functional user interfaces. Material Design is designed to be flexible and customizable, making it a great choice for a wide range of applications and use cases.


Stylelint is a modern linter for CSS that helps you avoid errors and enforce consistent styling conventions. It provides rules for detecting errors and warnings, and can be configured to match your specific project's requirements.