Learn JavaScript

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Learn JavaScript

This repository is for beginners to start learning JavaScript from Scratch


This article provides a beginner-friendly introduction to learning JavaScript from scratch. It includes documentation on how to use Docsify to generate a documentation website dynamically. Additionally, it offers information on linting JavaScript files using ESLint and lists references for further learning resources.


  • JavaScript Learning Repository: Designed for beginners to start learning JavaScript from scratch.
  • Docsify Documentation Generation: Uses Docsify to create a documentation website on-the-fly.
  • ESLint Integration: Guides users on linting JavaScript files for improved code quality.
  • Reference Links: Includes links to external resources like MDN, W3Schools, The Modern JavaScript Tutorial, and TutorialPoint for additional learning support.

Docsify generates your documentation website on the fly. Unlike GitBook, it does not generate static html files. Instead, it smartly loads and parses your Markdown files and displays them as a website. To start using it, all you need to do is create an index.html and deploy it on GitHub Pages.


Express.js is a simple Node.js framework for single, multi-page, and hybrid web applications.


Documentation themes are built specifically for writing technical and product documentation. They are normally written and maintained in Markdown. The often include a navigation menu, search bar, clear headings, semantic document structure and clean typography.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.