Svelte Chartjs

screenshot of Svelte Chartjs

Svelte Chartjs

svelte wrapper for chart.js


The svelte-chartjs is a wrapper for chart.js that allows users to integrate chart components into their Svelte applications. It is open for contributions and pull requests, making it a collaborative and community-driven project.


  • Custom Size: Users can customize the size of their charts by setting the maintainAspectRatio property to false.
  • Migration from v1 to v2: The library introduces several breaking changes in its v2 version, aiming to improve performance, offer new features, and enhance maintainability.
  • Change component import path: Users need to update the import path for components when migrating from v1 to v2.
  • Tree-shaking: The v2 version of the library is tree-shakable, similar to Chart.js v3. Users can import and register only the controllers, elements, scales, and plugins they intend to use.
  • Chart Examples: The library provides various chart examples, including Bar Chart, Bubble Chart, Doughnut Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, PolarArea Chart, Radar Chart, and Scatter Chart.
  • ChartJS Instance: Users can access and manipulate the ChartJS instance to handle events and perform other actions.
  • Documentation: The library provides documentation and demos for the v1 version.

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Svelte is a modern front-end framework that compiles your code at build time, resulting in smaller and faster applications. It uses a reactive approach to update the DOM, allowing for high performance and a smoother user experience.


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TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, providing optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features that help developers write more maintainable and scalable code. TypeScript's static typing system can catch errors at compile-time, making it easier to build and maintain large applications.