Reel Search

screenshot of Reel Search

Reel Search

:octocat: 🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion


RAMReel is an open-source library that provides a customizable search control for iOS applications. It allows users to easily implement a search functionality within their apps by providing pre-defined classes and protocols. The library is compatible with CocoaPods and Carthage.


  • CocoaPods and Carthage Compatible: The library can be easily installed and integrated into projects using CocoaPods or Carthage dependency managers.
  • Codebeat Badge: The library has a codebeat badge, indicating that it has undergone code quality analysis.
  • Travis Integration: The library is integrated with Travis, a popular continuous integration service, to ensure the stability and quality of the code.
  • Twitter and Donate: The library provides links to its Twitter account and a donation option for users who wish to support the project.
