React Tabs Scrollable

screenshot of React Tabs Scrollable

React Tabs Scrollable

a react scrollable tabs component with many additional features


The react-tabs-scrollable is a simple React scrollable tabs component with a lot of additional features. It fully supports right-to-left (RTL) mode and is easy to install and customize. With a small size of 9.6k (gzipped: 3.9k), it is great for use in navigation, menus, lists, or any proper use for tabs. The component is accessible and provides control over all its elements. The latest version, V2, has been rebuilt from scratch with TypeScript for better bug avoidance and ease of use.


  • Typescript out of box
  • Many modes to control the behavior of the selected tab
  • Easy to start with, taking less than a minute to set up
  • Many features and highly customizable
  • Fully supports RTL mode
  • Fully accessible
  • Control and access to everything inside the component
  • Small file size (9.6k gzipped: 3.9k)
  • Great for use in navigation, menus, and lists or any proper use for tabs
  • Easy to style with provided CSS file and style/className props
  • Access to all references
  • And much more...


To install the react-tabs-scrollable component, follow these steps:

  1. Install via NPM:
npm install react-tabs-scrollable
  1. Import the component:
import Tabs from 'react-tabs-scrollable';
  1. Use the component in your code:
<Tabs />


The react-tabs-scrollable component is a powerful tool for creating scrollable tabs in React. It offers a wide range of features, including RTL support, accessibility, and easy customization. With the latest version, V2, rebuilt from scratch with TypeScript, it provides a more elegant and easy-to-use experience. Developers can take advantage of the exposed API and props to have full control over the component. Install it today and start building your own scrollable tabs with ease.


Next.js is a React-based web framework that enables server-side rendering, static site generation, and other powerful features for building modern web applications.


React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components