screenshot of REST Auth


Example application for my RESTful Authentication with Flask article.


The REST-authCompanion is a companion application for the RESTful Authentication with Flask article. It provides functionality for registering new users, returning user information, generating authentication tokens, and accessing protected resources securely.


  • User Registration: Allows users to register by providing a username and password.
  • User Retrieval: Enables retrieval of user information by providing the user's ID.
  • Token Generation: Generates authentication tokens for users to access protected resources securely.
  • Protected Resource Access: Allows authenticated users to access protected resources using tokens.


The REST-authCompanion application is a useful tool for implementing secure authentication using Flask. It provides endpoints for user registration, user retrieval, token generation, and accessing protected resources. By following the installation steps and utilizing the documented API endpoints, developers can enhance the security of their Flask applications.