
screenshot of TailwindTraders



Tailwind Traders is a fictitious retail company that offers sample reference applications showcasing intelligent application experiences powered by the Azure cloud. These applications are built with best-in-class tools, enhanced with data, and AI capabilities.


  • Azure Integration: Utilizes Azure cloud services for enhanced performance and scalability.
  • Multiple Platforms: Supports various platforms including web, desktop, mobile, and AI-driven applications.
  • Modern Technologies: Built with ASP.NET, React, Xamarin Forms, and other cutting-edge technologies.
  • Backend Services: Includes backend services built on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) architecture.
  • AI-enabled Applications: Features AI Vision Provision and AI Pet Detector applications for image recognition.
  • Demo Scripts: Provides demo scripts demonstrating Azure DevOps, Microsoft Teams, and GitHub integration.
  • Continuous Integration & Delivery: Demonstrates seamless deployment with Azure Pipelines and Git repositories.
  • Cloud Migration Support: Helps in modernizing .NET applications by migrating them to cloud-native solutions.