React Native Windows Samples

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React Native Windows Samples

A repository showcasing React Native samples and templates for Windows, macOS, and Surface Duo.


This repository is a companion to the React Native for Windows and React Native for macOS repositories. It contains React Native sample apps, components, and templates for Windows, macOS, and Duo. These samples demonstrate various functionalities and integrations with the Win32 ecosystem, and provide a starting point for developers working with React Native on Windows and macOS platforms.


  • AppServiceDemo: A sample RNW app which interacts with the Win32 ecosystem using App Services.
  • Calculator: A sample RNW app implementing a simple calculator with both C++ and C# implementations.
  • CalculatorNuGet: The Calculator sample, but consuming React Native for Windows (RNW) through the NuGet packages.
  • ContinuousIntegration: Sample CI pipeline configurations for React Native for Windows (RNW) projects.
  • NativeModuleSample: A sample RNW native module with both C++ and C# implementations.
  • ReactNativeWinRT: A sample RNW app that uses React Native WinRT to consume native WinRT APIs.


The React Native Samples and Templates repository provides a collection of sample apps, components, and templates for React Native on Windows, macOS, and Duo platforms. It showcases various functionalities and integrations with the Win32 ecosystem, making it a valuable resource for developers working with React Native on these platforms. The repository is actively maintained and welcomes contributions from the community.

React Native

React Native is a framework for building mobile applications using React and JavaScript. It enables developers to write once and deploy to multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web, while providing a native app-like experience to users.