
screenshot of Mdbsvelte


Svelte Bootstrap with Material Design


This product analysis is about the MDBSvelte package, which is a theme or component library for Svelte apps. The document provides information about installing the package and using its various features in Svelte projects.


  • Components: MDBSvelte package includes a variety of components such as Containers, Grid, Alert, Button, Button Group, Card, Dropdown, Jumbotron, List Groups, Badges, Spinner, Pagination, Progress, Navbar, Footer, Navs, Breadcrumbs, Forms, Input Groups, Tables, Modals, Charts, Masks, and Icons.
  • Admin Dashboard: The package also includes an Admin Dashboard feature for building responsive and functional admin panels.
  • License: MDBSvelte is released under a FOSSA license, allowing users to freely use and modify the package for their projects.

Svelte is a modern front-end framework that compiles your code at build time, resulting in smaller and faster applications. It uses a reactive approach to update the DOM, allowing for high performance and a smoother user experience.

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