
screenshot of Passport

Laravel Passport provides OAuth2 server support to Laravel.


Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package designed to be both simple and enjoyable to use. This package is well-documented on the Laravel website, making it easy to implement and understand for developers looking to secure their APIs.


  • OAuth2 Server: Provides OAuth2 server functionality for secure authentication.
  • API Authentication: Allows for easy integration of authentication mechanisms for APIs.
  • Documentation: Well-documented package on the Laravel website for guidance.
  • Contributing Guide: Guidelines available for developers interested in contributing to the Passport project.
  • Code of Conduct: Ensures a welcoming community by having a Code of Conduct in place.
  • Security Policy: Information on how to report security vulnerabilities to maintain a secure environment.
  • MIT License: Open-source software released under the permissive MIT license for flexibility.

Laravel is a powerful and elegant PHP framework that provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features to build robust web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, offering a clean and organized structure for writing efficient and maintainable code.