Mantine Admin

screenshot of Mantine Admin

Mantine Admin

A Modern Admin Dashboard with Mantine7/React/NextJS14


This product is a template for web development projects. It includes a variety of features and tools to assist in developing React applications. It incorporates frameworks and libraries for data fetching, state management, form validation, testing, design systems, and more. The template can be customized and deployed easily.


  • Framework: Next.js - A complete React framework for hybrid and server rendering
  • Data Fetching: ky - Tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API, React Query - Hooks for fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React
  • State Management and Hooks: Zustand - A small, fast, and scalable state-management solution using simplified flux principles, react-use - Collection of essential React Hooks
  • Design System and Animations: Mantine-UI - A simple, modular, and accessible component library for React applications, Tabler Icons - A collection of popular icons for React projects
  • Form Validation: React Hook Form - Performant, flexible, and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation, Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
  • Tests: Jest - A JavaScript Testing Framework, Testing Library - Simple and complete testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
  • Design Patterns: ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code, Prettier - An opinionated code formatter, Husky - Git hooks made easy, lint-staged - Run linters against staged git files, commitlint - Helps adhere to a commit convention, Standard Version - Utility for versioning using semver and CHANGELOG generation
  • Analysis: why-did-you-render (optional) - Notifies about potentially avoidable re-renders
  • Additional Plugins: Partytown - Relocates resource-intensive third-party scripts off the main thread and into a web worker

Next.js is a React-based web framework that enables server-side rendering, static site generation, and other powerful features for building modern web applications.


React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components

Mantine UI

A fully featured React components library. 100+ components, 50+ hooks.


A dashboard style website template is a pre-designed layout that features a user interface resembling a control panel or dashboard. It typically includes charts, graphs, tables, and other data visualization tools that allow users to monitor and analyze data in real-time.


PostCSS is a popular open-source tool that enables web developers to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. It allows for efficient processing of CSS styles, from applying vendor prefixes to improving browser compatibility, ultimately resulting in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.


Storybook is a tool for developing and testing UI components in isolation. It provides a sandbox environment where you can experiment with different props and states to see how your component responds.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, providing optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features that help developers write more maintainable and scalable code. TypeScript's static typing system can catch errors at compile-time, making it easier to build and maintain large applications.


Vercel offers built-in support for deploying and hosting Next.js applications, making it a popular choice among Next.js developers.


Zustand is a lightweight state management library for React that provides a simple and intuitive API for managing state in your application. It allows developers to easily create and manage global state, and provides a powerful set of tools for optimizing performance and improving developer productivity. Zustand is designed to be easy to use and easy to learn, making it a popular choice for developers of all skill levels.