React Images Viewer

screenshot of React Images Viewer

A react library that view photos list easily, and a simple, responsive viewer component for displaying an array of images.


The React Images Viewer is a library that allows users to easily view and display a list of photos using a responsive viewer component. It provides a simple and intuitive way to navigate through an array of images.


  • Backdrop Closeable: Allows users to exit the viewer by clicking the backdrop.
  • Close Button Title Customization: Customize the title of the close button when using the escape key.
  • Keyboard Input Support: Supports keyboard input for navigation using keys such as space, escape, arrow keys, etc.
  • Initial Image Index: Required if you want to navigate through the images. Specifies the index of the image to display initially.
  • Custom Controls: Add custom controls on top of the viewer by providing an array of elements.
  • Image Array: Required. Provides an array of image objects.
  • Image Count Separator Customization: Customize the separator used in the image count.
  • Viewer Visibility: Required if you want to navigate through the images. Specifies whether the viewer is displayed or not.
  • Custom Titles: Customize the titles of the left and right navigation arrows.
  • Navigation Callbacks: Handle navigation to previous, next, and closing of the viewer.
  • Click Callback: Handle click on the current image.

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