Django Crud Ajax Login Register Fileupload

screenshot of Django Crud Ajax Login Register Fileupload

Django Crud Ajax Login Register Fileupload

Django Crud Github, Django Crud, Django Crud Application, Django ajax CRUD,Django Boilerplate application, Django Register, Django Login,Django fileupload, CRUD, Bootstrap, AJAX, sample App


This product is a Django CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application with several key features including registration, login, file upload, form validation, Ajax CRUD functionality, CSV import, and CSV export. It also provides a live demo for users to explore the application. The product is accompanied by screenshots showcasing the SB Admin preview.


  • Register: Users can create an account by registering with their email and password.
  • Login: Registered users can log in to access the application.
  • File Upload: Users can upload files to the application.
  • Form Validation: The application validates user input in forms.
  • CRUD Application: Users can create, read, update, and delete data within the application.
  • Ajax CRUD Application: Provides Ajax functionality for performing CRUD operations without page refresh.
  • CSV Import: Users can import data from CSV files.
  • CSV Export: The application allows users to export data in CSV format.

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