Realworld Starter Kit

screenshot of Realworld Starter Kit

Starter kit for new RealWorld framework implementations


The RealWorld Example App is a codebase that showcases a fully-fledged fullstack application built with a specific framework. It includes various real-world examples such as CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more. The codebase adheres to the RealWorld specification and API, making it a reliable reference for developers.


  • CRUD operations: The app demonstrates how to perform create, read, update, and delete operations on various entities.
  • Authentication: It showcases how to implement user authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Routing: The app includes a routing system that allows for the navigation between different pages and components.
  • Pagination: It demonstrates how to paginate data in order to improve performance for large datasets.
  • adherence to framework styleguides: The codebase follows the community styleguides and best practices of the specific framework used.