Athena Express

screenshot of Athena Express

Athena-Express can simplify executing SQL queries in Amazon Athena AND fetching cleaned-up JSON results in the same synchronous or asynchronous request - well suited for web applications.


Athena-Express simplifies executing SQL queries in Amazon Athena and fetching cleaned-up JSON results in the same synchronous or asynchronous request. It integrates Amazon Athena with Node.JS applications, making it easier to query and analyze large-scale datasets stored in Amazon S3.


  • Simplified Integration: Easily integrate Amazon Athena with any Node.JS application.
  • Query Execution Handling: Initiates query execution, checks status, and fetches results from Amazon S3.
  • Data Formatting: Formats query results into a clean, user-friendly JSON array.
  • Error Handling: Automatically handles specific Athena errors by retrying when needed.
  • Cost Management: Provides optional stats, including cost per query in USD.
  • Result Retrieval Options: Supports pagination or continuous stream for fetching results.
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Fetching: Supports both modes for fetching query results.