Stream Rails is a Ruby on Rails client for Stream, a library for building Feeds. Users can create activity streams like those seen on Github, Twitter-style newsfeeds, Instagram-style feeds, and more. The library supports various ORM integrations, including ActiveRecord and Sequel.
- Activity Streams & Newsfeeds: Build activity streams and newsfeeds similar to popular social media platforms.
- Gem installation: Easily install the stream-rails gem using the recommended methods.
- Supported ORMs: Works seamlessly with ActiveRecord and Sequel for database integrations.
- Model configuration: Includes StreamRails::Activity and configures models for integration with feeds.
- Feed manager: Manages different types of feeds like user feeds, news feeds, and notification feeds.
- Activity enrichment: Enrich activities with additional data beyond basic fields.
- Templating: Customize the appearance of feeds using templates.
- Pagination: Handle large feeds by implementing pagination features.