Nodejs Posgresql

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Nodejs Posgresql

A demo Quotes REST API using Node.js and PostgreSQL. Built with Express Js


The Node.js PostgreSQL project is a demo Quotes REST API built using Node.js and PostgreSQL. It is designed with Express Js and serves as a tutorial on using Node.js with PostgreSQL. The project is deployed on Vercel at a specific URL.


  • Quotes REST API: Provides endpoints for managing quotes.
  • Built with Express Js: Utilizes Express Js framework for building the API.
  • PostgreSQL Integration: Uses PostgreSQL as the database backend.
  • Deployment Options: Facilitates deployment on platforms like Heroku, Vercel, Cyclic, and Render.


The Node.js PostgreSQL project is a demo Quotes REST API that showcases the integration of Node.js with a PostgreSQL database. It offers various deployment options and is built with Express Js framework. By following the installation guide, users can set up and run the project locally to explore its features.


Express.js is a simple Node.js framework for single, multi-page, and hybrid web applications.


A fullstack boilerplate provides a starter application that includes both frontend and backend. It should include database, auth, payments, user roles and other backend services to build a fully featured saas or webapps.