Sveltekit Satori

screenshot of Sveltekit Satori

Dynamically generated social images from Svelte components


The sveltekit-satori is a tool that utilizes Satori to generate social images from a Svelte component. This tool is useful for web developers who want to create dynamic social images for their websites.


  • Satori Integration: Allows users to integrate Satori into Svelte components for generating social images.
  • Easy Installation: Users can quickly install the tool and its dependencies using npm install, pnpm install, or yarn.
  • Development Server: Provides a development server for users to preview their app during the development phase.
  • Production Build: Enables users to create a production version of their app for deployment.
  • Preview Functionality: Allows users to preview their production build using npm run preview.
  • Adapter Support: Users can install adapters for their target environment to deploy their app seamlessly.

Svelte is a modern front-end framework that compiles your code at build time, resulting in smaller and faster applications. It uses a reactive approach to update the DOM, allowing for high performance and a smoother user experience.


Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, providing optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features that help developers write more maintainable and scalable code. TypeScript's static typing system can catch errors at compile-time, making it easier to build and maintain large applications.