
screenshot of Gantry5


:rocket: Next Generation Template / Theme Framework


Gantry Framework is a powerful framework used to build Gantry-powered themes. It provides a user-friendly interface for customizing and configuring themes. Gantry 5 is the latest version of this framework. In order to use a Gantry theme, users need to install both Gantry 5 and the specific theme they want to use. This process is simple and straightforward. The Gantry Administrator allows users to easily modify their Gantry-powered site, with various tools and settings available for customization.


  • Browser Requirements: Gantry 5 has back-end administration requirements which include Google Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Opera 47+, and MS Edge. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
  • Installing Gantry 5 and the Hydrogen Theme: Users need to download the latest build of Gantry 5 and the Hydrogen theme. Installation is simple and can be done by following the step-by-step guide provided in the documentation.
  • Accessing the Gantry Administrator: Once Gantry 5 and the Hydrogen theme are installed and activated, users can access the Gantry 5 administrator through Joomla's back-end by navigating to Components > Gantry 5 Templates.
  • Navigating the Gantry 5 Administrator: The Gantry Administrator provides multiple tools for configuring the Gantry-powered theme. Menu Editor allows users to enhance the platform's menu, the About page provides information about the theme, Platform Settings takes users to the CMS settings page for Gantry 5, and Clear Cache clears the cache files related to Gantry. The Outlines Dropdown allows users to switch between different outlines easily.


Gantry Framework is a robust framework used for building Gantry-powered themes. Gantry 5 is the latest version, providing a user-friendly interface for theme customization. Installation of Gantry 5 and the Hydrogen theme is simple and can be done by following the provided step-by-step guide. The Gantry Administrator offers various tools and settings for modifying Gantry-powered sites. Users can access the administrator through Joomla's back-end and navigate through different administrative panels for customization. The browser requirements for Gantry 5 are specified, with Internet Explorer no longer supported.


Gulp.js is an old but popular site building tool that automates various repetitive development tasks in web development, such as compiling Sass, minifying JavaScript, and optimizing images.