Dotnet Starter Kit

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Dotnet Starter Kit

Production Grade Cloud-Ready .NET 8 Starter Kit (Web API + Blazor Client) with Multitenancy Support, and Clean/Modular Architecture that saves roughly 200+ Development Hours! All Batteries Included.


fullstackhero's .NET Web API Boilerplate is a comprehensive starting point for .NET developers or teams looking to kick-start their next major project using .NET 7 Web API. This boilerplate incorporates essential packages and features, such as multi-tenancy support and follows clean architecture principles. It aims to save development time and serves as a learning tool for advanced concepts and implementations like CQRS, cloud deployments, Docker concepts, and CI/CD pipelines.


  • Built on .NET 7.0
  • Follows Clean Architecture Principles
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Cloud Ready: Can be deployed to AWS Infrastructure as ECS Containers using Terraform.
  • Docker-Compose File Examples
  • Documented at
  • Multi Tenancy Support with Finbuckle: Create tenants with multi-database or shared database support. Activate or deactivate tenants on demand. Upgrade subscription of tenants.
  • Supports Various Databases: MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL.
  • Uses Entity Framework Core as DB Abstraction
  • Flexible Repository Pattern
  • Dapper Integration for Optimal Performance
  • Serilog Integration with various Sinks: File, SEQ, Kibana
  • OpenAPI: Supports client service generation.
  • Mapster Integration for Quicker Mapping
  • API Versioning
  • Response Caching: Distributed caching + REDIS.
Templates & Themes

A template or theme refers to a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a basic framework for building a specific type of application or website. It typically includes good design, placeholder content and functional features, allowing developers to customize and fill in the details according to their specific needs.