Dotnet Microservices Boilerplate

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Dotnet Microservices Boilerplate

The Ultimate Microservices Starter Kit for .NET Developers!


The .NET Microservices Boilerplate is a framework designed to simplify the process of building microservices in .NET. It follows the Vertical Slice Architecture and incorporates other best practices and tools such as CQRS, NoSQL, SQL, MediatR, Serilog, FluentValidations, and more.


  • Vertical Slice Architecture for architecture level
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD) for implementing business processes in microservices
  • Rabbitmq and MassTransit for Event Driven Architecture between microservices
  • CQRS implementation with MediatR library
  • Entity Framework Core and MongoDB for data storage in microservices
  • Fluent Validation and Validation Pipeline Behaviour with MediatR
  • Minimal API for all endpoints
  • Health Check for reporting the health of app infrastructure components
  • Tye for local development and debugging
  • Built-In Containerization for Docker images
  • Zipkin for distributed tracing
  • OpenIddict for authentication and authorization based on OpenID-Connect and OAuth2
  • Yarp as a microservices gateway

A website that uses Docker for containerization to streamline development, testing, and deployment workflows. This includes features such as containerization of dependencies, automated builds and deployments, and container orchestration to ensure scalability and availability.