Fluid is a Hydrogen theme designed for Shopify headless storefronts, allowing users to organize content using the Sanity CMS. This theme enables users to build pages by assembling sections, similar to a Shopify Liquid theme. A key feature of Fluid is the use of Sanity Visual Editing, which allows content editors to update content in real-time with a live preview.
React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components
Remix is a modern JavaScript framework that focuses on building fast and performant web applications. It emphasizes a combination of server-rendered content and client-side interactivity, offering a robust architecture for creating scalable and maintainable projects.
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes for building responsive and customizable user interfaces.
Radix Primitives is a low-level UI component library with a focus on accessibility, customization and developer experience. You can use these components either as the base layer of your design system, or adopt them incrementally.
Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
Sanity is a fully customizable, API-first, and cloud-based headless content management system that enables developers to manage structured content across multiple channels and platforms.
Shopify offers headless commerce capabilities through its Storefront API, allowing developers to use their own front-end technology to create custom storefronts or sales channels while using Shopify as a back-end system
Ecommerce websites sell products or services to customers through an online storefront. These websites typically include features such as product listings, shopping carts, payment processing, and order management tools.
ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.
Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that simplifies the process of creating dynamic, reactive user interfaces on the web. It uses a declarative syntax that offers a higher level of abstraction compared to vanilla JavaScript, while being more performant and easier to use than jQuery.
A website that uses GraphQL as a query language to manage data fetching and state management. This includes features such as a strongly typed schema, client-side caching, and declarative data fetching to streamline data management and optimize website performance.
PostCSS is a popular open-source tool that enables web developers to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. It allows for efficient processing of CSS styles, from applying vendor prefixes to improving browser compatibility, ultimately resulting in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, providing optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features that help developers write more maintainable and scalable code. TypeScript's static typing system can catch errors at compile-time, making it easier to build and maintain large applications.