Learn Ruby

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Learn Ruby

Learning resources for Ruby, Rails, and related skills.


The resource list provides a comprehensive guide for beginners and experienced developers to learn Ruby programming. It covers a wide range of topics from basics to advanced Ruby and Rails concepts, as well as resources for getting hired and expanding knowledge in the field. The content offers valuable insights and suggestions for those looking to switch careers or enhance their programming skills.


  • Comprehensive Resource List: Includes resources for learning basics of HTML, CSS, JS, Ruby, and Rails, as well as advanced topics and practice exercises.
  • Guided Practices: Offers interactive platforms like Exercism for guided practice and learning with notes and reflections.
  • Community Engagement: Encourages engagement with the Ruby/Rails community, providing insights on getting hired and building projects.


The resource list provides a structured approach for individuals interested in learning Ruby programming, starting from basics to advanced concepts. It emphasizes the importance of guided practice, community engagement, and practical application of knowledge. The inclusion of diverse resources and tips for self-care and effective learning makes it a valuable resource for aspiring Ruby developers.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails, is an open-source web application framework written in Ruby. Known for its convention over configuration and don't repeat yourself (DRY) principles, Rails simplifies and accelerates the development of database-backed web applications.