Hugo Theme Echo is a minimalistic and clean theme for the Hugo static site generator. The theme is built with Tailwind CSS and offers several notable features, such as faster Chroma code highlighting, custom CSS and JS, customizable header, support for article directories, related reading section, and deep theming with manual toggling. This article provides information on how to install and use the Hugo Theme Echo.
Hugo is an open-source static site generator that features fast build times, flexible themes, support for multiple content formats, multilingual websites, live reloading, and an active community. It allows developers to easily create and deploy SEO-friendly and mobile-responsive websites.
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes for building responsive and customizable user interfaces.
PostCSS is a popular open-source tool that enables web developers to transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins. It allows for efficient processing of CSS styles, from applying vendor prefixes to improving browser compatibility, ultimately resulting in cleaner, faster, and more maintainable code.