React Most Wanted

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React Most Wanted

React starter kit with "Most Wanted" application features


React Most Wanted is a collection of starter kits, tools, features, and best practices designed for React projects. With features like Material UI integration, code splitting, Firebase integration, PWA implementation, authentication, and more, React Most Wanted aims to provide a comprehensive solution for developing modern web applications.


  • Build on Create React App
  • Material UI: Material Design ready-to-use React Components
  • Code splitting: MPA (Multi Page Application) ready
  • Firebase integration for backend and database synchronization
  • Full functional PWA with a perfect Lighthouse report
  • Authentication and authorization with roles and permissions
  • Push notifications and App Notifications UI
  • Theming and Internationalization
  • Built-in CI/CD with Travis and Browserstack (optional)
  • Real-time Forms and more

React is a widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It follows a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update and render UI components

Material UI

material-ui adds classes to Tailwind CSS for all common UI components. Classes like btn, card, etc. This allows us to focus on important things instead of making basic elements for every project.


Firebase offers a comprehensive set of features, including real-time database, authentication, hosting, cloud functions, storage, and more. Firebase provides an easy-to-use interface and allows developers to focus on building features rather than managing infrastructure.


A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of web application that uses modern web technologies to provide a native app-like experience to users, including offline functionality, push notifications, and device hardware access. PWAs can be installed on a user's home screen and launched like a traditional app, but do not require a separate app store listing or download.