Decap Cms

screenshot of Decap Cms

Decap Cms

A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators


Decap CMS is a content management system designed for static site generators. It provides a simple way for users to edit and add content to any site built with a static site generator. The CMS is a single-page app that can be easily integrated into the /admin part of a website. It offers a clean UI for editing content stored in a Git repository. Users can create new content or edit existing content after authentication.


  • Static Site Generator Integration: Decap CMS seamlessly integrates with static site generators, allowing users to edit content without disrupting the existing structure of the website.
  • Git Repository Support: Content is stored in a Git repository, enabling easy version control and collaboration.
  • Customizable Layout: The CMS can be customized to fit the layout of your site, allowing for a seamless user experience.
  • User Authentication: Users are prompted to log in when accessing the /admin section, ensuring only authorized individuals can edit or add content.

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