React Native Template

screenshot of React Native Template

React Native Template

📱A react native template to help bootstrap new mobile apps📱


The React Native Template is a comprehensive template that allows users to create an empty React Native project with all the necessary packages and features to build a scalable mobile app. It includes support for bottom navigation, Lottie integration, and TailWindCSS. The template is sponsored by Digital Art Dealers.


  • axios: A package for networking.
  • i18n-js: A small library for providing i18n translations with JavaScript.
  • lodash: A modern JavaScript library for modularity and performance.
  • lottie-react-native: An ecosystem of libraries for parsing Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON.
  • moment: A library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and displaying date/time in JavaScript.
  • nativewind: A universal style system.
  • react-native-localize: A toolbox for localizing React Native apps.
  • react-native-vector-icons: An icon library.
  • react-navigation: A navigation library.
  • redux: A state management library.
  • @reduxjs/toolkit: A package for easier implementation of Redux.
  • redux-persist: A package for persisting Redux store.
  • redux-thunk: A package for dispatching asynchronous actions.
  • type-script: A package for typing and general robustness.


To create a new project with the React Native Template, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command:

    npx react-native init {YOUR_APP_NAME} --template

    Make sure to replace {YOUR_APP_NAME} with the desired name for your project.

  2. Install the necessary packages by running:

    yarn install
  3. For iOS, navigate to the iOS folder using a terminal:

    cd ios && pod install
  4. To run the application locally for iOS, run the following command:

    yarn ios
  5. For Android, run the following command:

    yarn android


The React Native Template is a convenient solution for developers looking to quickly set up a React Native project with all the necessary packages and features. It provides support for various functionalities such as networking, translations, icons, navigation, state management, and more. The template simplifies the development process and helps ensure a robust and scalable mobile app.

React Native

React Native is a framework for building mobile applications using React and JavaScript. It enables developers to write once and deploy to multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web, while providing a native app-like experience to users.