:books: Product documentation template for Jekyll
EditionProduct is a configurable theme for Jekyll that allows users to easily document their product, application, service, or website. It provides a two-column layout, full-text search, pre-styled components, auto-generated navigation based on categories, and optimization for editing in CloudCannon. The theme was created by CloudCannon, a Cloud CMS for Jekyll, and is designed to be user-friendly and adaptable for different versions of Jekyll.
Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby that allows you to create simple, fast, and secure websites without the need for a database.
CloudCannon is a platform that combines a powerful git based CMS with easy-to-use hosting and deployment tools. It has strong integrations with Hugo, Jekyll and other SSG's and is similiar to Forestry CMS.
Documentation themes are built specifically for writing technical and product documentation. They are normally written and maintained in Markdown. The often include a navigation menu, search bar, clear headings, semantic document structure and clean typography.