Base Jekyll Template

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Base Jekyll Template

:blue_book: Knowledge base template for Jekyll


The BaseKnowledge base template for Jekyll is a user-friendly and customizable theme designed by CloudCannon. It is designed to create a knowledge base or documentation website with ease. This template offers various features and capabilities that make it ideal for organizing and presenting tutorials, FAQs, and other information.


  • Tutorials organized by category, allowing for easy navigation and browsing.
  • Support for both text and video tutorials, providing flexibility in content creation.
  • Ability to create a "tutorial series," enabling users to group related tutorials together.
  • FAQ section to address common questions and provide quick answers.
  • Integration with Disqus comments, allowing users to engage with the content and ask questions.
  • Sticky sidebar for main headings in tutorials, making it easy for users to navigate within a tutorial.
  • Optimized for editing in CloudCannon, a Cloud CMS for Jekyll, providing a seamless editing experience.
  • RSS/Atom feed support for easy syndication of content.
  • Built-in support for SEO tags, ensuring better visibility in search engine results.
  • Integration with Google Analytics for detailed website analytics and tracking.

Jekyll is a static site generator written in Ruby that allows you to create simple, fast, and secure websites without the need for a database.