Vue Design System

screenshot of Vue Design System

Vue Design System

An open source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js


Vue Design System is an open-source tool for building UI Design Systems with Vue.js. It provides organized tools, patterns, and practices that serve as the foundation for application development. The tool is built on top of Vue.js, Vue Styleguidist, Webpack, and Theo. It is aimed at designers and front-end developers with basic knowledge of component-based workflows and HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript.


  • Set of interconnected patterns & practices: Provides a comprehensive set of interconnected patterns and practices for building UI Design Systems.
  • Well thought-out terminology, naming conventions, and hierarchy: Offers a well-structured terminology, naming conventions, and hierarchy for easier understanding and organization.
  • Automated overview of design system progress: Allows users to get an automated overview of how the design system progresses over time.
  • Global design tokens in YAML format: Provides global design tokens in YAML format that can be used in any component.
  • Automatic generation of living documentation: Generates living, user-editable documentation automatically.
  • Easy export and usage as an NPM dependency: Enables users to export and use the Design System as an NPM dependency in other Vue.js or Nuxt.js projects.
  • Quick availability of new elements, tokens, and patterns: Any new token, element, or pattern created is immediately available across all components.
  • Pre-configured Prettier setup for code auto-formatting: Includes a pre-configured setup for auto-formatting code using Prettier on save and before commit.
  • Additional features: Live reloading, autoprefixing, SCSS and helper functions, simple defaults for SVG and webfont usage out-of-the-box, separation of documentation and app logic.

Vue.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.


SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that extends the capabilities of CSS by adding features such as variables, nesting, and mixins. It allows developers to write more efficient and maintainable CSS code, and helps to streamline the development process by reducing repetition and increasing reusability.

UI Kits & Components

A UI kit provides developers with a set of reusable components that can be easily integrated into a website or application. These components are pre-designed with consistent styling and functionality, allowing developers to save time and effort in the design and development process. UI kits can be either custom-built or third-party, and often include components for buttons, forms, typography, icons, and more.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.


Webpack is a popular open-source module bundler for JavaScript applications that bundles and optimizes the code and its dependencies for production-ready deployment. It can also be used to transform other types of assets such as CSS, images, and fonts.