Flask Datta Able

screenshot of Flask Datta Able

Flask Datta Able

Datta Able - Open-Source Flask Dashboard | AppSeed


Datta Able Flask is an open-source Flask Dashboard created by AppSeed. It is built on top of a modern design and is considered one of the most stylized Bootstrap admin templates available. The template includes highly feature-rich pages and components with code that is developer-centric.


  • Up-to-date dependencies
  • Database options: SQLite, MySql
  • Silent fallback to SQLite
  • DB Tools: SQLAlchemy ORM, Flask-Migrate
  • Authentication options: Session Based, OAuth via Github
  • Docker compatibility
  • Flask-Minify for page compression
  • Deployment options with CI/CD flow via Render
  • Datta Able (enhanced with dark mode) - Open-Source Seed project generated by AppSeed

Start in Docker

  1. Download the code.
  2. Start the app in Docker.
  3. Visit http://localhost:5085 in your browser. The app should be up and running.