Api Server Nodejs

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Api Server Nodejs

Nodejs API Server - Express / SQLite / TypeORM | AppSeed


This product analysis explores a Node.js API ServerExpress/Node.js Starter with JWT Authentication, OAuth for Github, and SQLite persistence offered by AppSeed. The authentication flow relies on JSON Web Tokens through the Passport library's passport-jwt strategy. The project is full-stack ready with a React Soft Dashboard, making it suitable for various applications. In addition, the codebase is designed to be simple and extendable, utilizing TypeScript and Joy for validation.


  • Full-stack ready with React Soft Dashboard
  • Simple, intuitive codebase - easy to extend
  • Uses TypeScript, Joy for validation
  • Stack includes Node.js, Express, SQLite, and TypeORM
  • Authentication via Passport with passport-jwt strategy
  • OAuth for Github integration

Express.js is a simple Node.js framework for single, multi-page, and hybrid web applications.


ESLint is a linter for JavaScript that analyzes code to detect and report on potential problems and errors, as well as enforce consistent code style and best practices, helping developers to write cleaner, more maintainable code.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, providing optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features that help developers write more maintainable and scalable code. TypeScript's static typing system can catch errors at compile-time, making it easier to build and maintain large applications.