Laravel Setting

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Laravel Setting

Persistent settings package for Laravel


The Persistent Settings package for Laravel is a convenient tool that allows developers to store settings in a persistent manner using databases and/or JSON files. With features like driver support, encryption, blade directive, and custom file configurations, this package provides flexibility and ease of use for managing application settings. By following simple steps for installation and configuration, developers can efficiently store and retrieve application settings which can be useful for various scenarios.


  • Driver support: Enable storage in database and/or JSON file.
  • Helper function: Utilize a helper method or facade for easy access to settings.
  • Blade directive: Directly access settings in blade templates using a directive.
  • Override config values: Modify default config values without altering the core files.
  • Encryption: Secure values with built-in encryption facilities.
  • Custom file, table, and columns: Customize storage methods to fit specific requirements.
  • Auto save: Automatically save settings upon application shutdown.
  • Cache support: Enhance performance with caching capabilities.

Laravel is a powerful and elegant PHP framework that provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features to build robust web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, offering a clean and organized structure for writing efficient and maintainable code.