Laravel Money

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Laravel Money

Currency formatting and conversion package for Laravel


The Currency Formatting and Conversion package for Laravel is designed to make formatting and converting monetary values easy and powerful for Laravel projects. It aims to provide tools specifically tailored for Laravel projects that need to handle currency values.


  • Flexible Currency Configuration: Easily change and configure the currencies information of your application from the config file.
  • Blade Directives and Components: Includes blade directives and components for rendering money and currency values in your views.
  • Macros and Mixins Support: Implements the Laravel Macroable trait for adding custom macros and mixins to the Money and Currency classes.



Laravel is a powerful and elegant PHP framework that provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features to build robust web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, offering a clean and organized structure for writing efficient and maintainable code.