Emoji Css

screenshot of Emoji Css

An easy way to include emoji in your HTML


Emoji CSS is a convenient tool for incorporating emoji icons into your HTML. This resource is inspired by Font Awesome and bears resemblance to the Emoji Cheat Sheet website. It includes icons from Twemoji, offering an extensive selection of emojis to enhance your web content. However, it is important to note that the images present in the emoji/ directory are there solely for legacy purposes and are subject to copyright.


  • Easy Integration: Simplifies the process of adding emojis to your HTML content.
  • Inspired Design: Influenced by the popular Font Awesome and Emoji Cheat Sheet platforms.
  • Twemoji Icons: Utilizes a wide range of icons from the Twemoji collection.


Emoji CSS is a user-friendly solution for incorporating emojis into your HTML code. Inspired by Font Awesome and employing icons from Twemoji, this tool simplifies the process of integrating these expressive symbols into your web content. By following the installation guide, users can easily bring a touch of personality and emotion to their websites with this convenient emoji resource.