Nuxt Whois

screenshot of Nuxt Whois

基于Nuxt3制作的Whois和 Dns 查询的小工具


Nuxt-Whois is a Whois lookup tool built on Nuxt3, Tailwind CSS, and Xep-Whois. It offers a clean, responsive interface for querying domain Whois information, including domain ownership, registration status, expiration date, and more.


  • Theme Switching: Supports dark and light modes, with the ability to switch automatically based on user preferences or system settings.
  • Language Switching: Provides multi-language support for users of different languages.
  • Timezone Switching: Supports timezone settings to ensure the accuracy of time information.
  • DNS Lookup: Enables DNS lookup for viewing domain's DNS information.
  • Custom Suffix: Supports custom Whois server suffix for querying domains with different suffixes.



Vue.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Its intuitive syntax, modular architecture, and focus on performance make it a popular choice for modern web development.